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2021 Endorsements


Boston Teachers union

“The Boston Teachers Union is proud to endorse Councilor Liz Breadon for re-election to serve the 9th district in Boston City Council. Liz made history in 2019 as the first openly LGBTQ+ woman to be elected to City Council, and has served her first term as a passionate and effective advocate for a better Allston-Brighton. In her second term, Liz is looking to advance policies that address childhood poverty, including raising the minimum wage, ending family homelessness, and effective job training and workforce development. She continues to be a strong advocate and ally for BTU and education justice issues as well.”



Massachusetts Nurses Association

"The Massachusetts Nurses Association is proud to endorse Liz Breadon for re-election to Boston City Council, District 9."


Teamsters local Union 25

"Teamsters Local 25, one of the largest Labor Unions in New England with approximately 12,000 members including 2000 Boston residents and nearly 4000 residents that work in the City of Boston, is proud to endorse City Councilor Liz Breadon’s re-election campaign. In your first term as a Boston City Councilor you have strongly represented the interests of the Allston-Brighton neighborhood, and through your actions on the council you have proven to understand the importance of workers rights, fair wages and the benefits of union membership. Teamsters Local 25 commends you for your leadership as the lead sponsor of the unanimously passed City Council resolution Urging Fair and Full Employment Opportunities at Amazon. This resolution sends a strong message to the world’s wealthiest retailer that the City of Boston will hold them accountable to Boston’s residents, workers, customers and neighborhoods."


Massachusetts Women's Political caucus

“MWPC is proud to endorse Liz Breadon for Boston City Council District 9. We need bold leaders like Liz Breadon who not only embody their community’s core values, but who recognize that transforming the face of our government is critical. We need more women in office because representation matters. Leading by example matters. We are confident that Liz Breadon is a strong leader who will act with care, urgency, and competence as Boston’s City Councilor. A vote for Liz Breadon is a vote for Boston’s brighter future.”
Samantha Kelly, Chair of the MWPC PAC Board of Directors.


Emily's list

"Liz Breadon has been an activist and advocate for affordable housing, the preservation and restoration of green spaces, better public schools, and needed improvements to mass transportation. An environmentalist, Councilor Breadon has worked to build more sustainable solutions for a resilient, inclusive, and diverse urban community." EMILY’s List is proud to endorse Liz in her reelection campaign for Boston City Council, District 9,” said Sarah Curmi, vice president of state and local campaigns at EMILY’s List.


Iron Workers District 7

"Iron Workers Local 7 wholeheartedly endorses Liz Breadon for re-election for City Councilor for the  Allston-Brighton area of Massachusetts. As you are aware, working families in Brighton, as well as all of Boston and Massachusetts’ cities and towns, are finding it difficult to make ends meet in this global economy and troubling times. We believe that Liz understands our views and will continue in that same manner protecting the working families of tomorrow. We need more people like Liz that are willing to do the hard work required, such as bringing people together to have challenging conversations, that may never happen without her support. ...The 3600 members of Local 7 stand with Liz Breadon in this election."



"Representation matters. Liz Breadon, as the only openly LGBTQ person on the Boston City Council, is a powerful advocate for LGBTQ people across the city as well as her constituents in Allston-Brighton. LPAC is proud to support her re-election campaign."


Victory Fund

“LGBTQ Victory Fund is pleased to endorse Liz Breadon for re-election to Boston City Council,” said Mayor Annise Parker, President & CEO of LGBTQ Victory Fund. “Liz’s commitment to an inclusive, equitable and resilient community where everyone can thrive makes her the best candidate for District 9. In 2019, Liz made history as the first out LGBTQ member of the Boston City Council and she will continue to be that vital LGBTQ voice when re-elected.”


greater Boston Labor council

"The Greater Boston Labor Council is proud to endorse Liz Breadon's candidacy for District 9 Boston City Councilor. "


Planned parenthood Advocacy fund of MA

"Every Boston resident deserves to care for themselves and their families and lead a life of their owndesign, but discriminatory barriers and unjust policies are denying people basic rights, access to care, and true reproductive freedom. Boston needs local leaders like City Councilor Liz Breadon who will work with the community to reduce health disparities, eliminate structural barriers to care, and support everyone in leading healthy, fulfilling lives. The Planned Parenthood Advocacy Fund is proud to endorse Liz Breadon for Boston City Councilor for District 9 and partner with her to build a stronger, more equitable city.”

Sarah Burg, Chair of the Planned Parenthood Advocacy Fund of Massachusetts Board of Directors


North Atlantic states regional
Council of Carpenters Local 328

"The Carpenters union is proud to support for Liz Breadon because she understand how important responsible development is for the City of Boston. She knows that good projects are necessary and crucial for our future and that, when done right, they create good jobs with training and benefits; equity in the workforce and more successful neighborhoods and neighbors."


AFSCME Council 93

"Based on your (Liz Breadon) dedication and commitment to uphold the values that we as public employees hold dear, we are proud to support your campaign for Boston City Council."

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Chinese Progressive Political Action

"Chinese Progressive Political Action is proud to endorse Liz Breadon for District 9 City Councilor."



"Unite Here Local 26 Supports those that work for workers like Liz Breadon for District 9 City Councolor."


SEIU 509

“SEIU Local 509 is proud to announce our support of Liz Breadon’s re-election for Boston City Council. She has demonstrated her commitment to fighting for Boston’s working families and we look forward to working with her through another term.” -

Peter MacKinnon, MSW, LCSW President - SEIU Local 509

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"32BJ Members have endorsed Liz Breadon for District 9 City Councilor."


1199 SEIU - United HealthCare Workers East

"1199 Members have endorsed Liz Breadon for District 9 City Councilor."


Phone: 617-404-2131

Address: Campaign to Elect Liz Breadon
c/o 33 Champney Street
Brighton, MA 02135

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